The Harm And Benefits Of Social Networks

The Harm And Benefits Of Social Networks
The Harm And Benefits Of Social Networks

Social networks are an integral part of human life today. There they communicate with friends, watch videos, play, listen to music, find love and even earn money.

The harm and benefits of social networks
The harm and benefits of social networks

Until recently, this entertainment was a wonder, but now almost all young people, their parents and even grandmothers, have their own pages in one or another social network. But how useful are such contacts, what do they bring more: benefit or harm?

The benefits of social media

Of course, social networks allow you to receive a large amount of necessary information in a fairly quick time. They provide an opportunity to communicate at a distance with a huge number of people living in different parts of the planet, help to get acquainted, find friends, fall in love, discuss news and events.

Distance is not an obstacle now, and having gone far from each other, people do not lose contact and at any moment they can talk, share misfortune or ask for advice.

Social media helps you find lost friends, classmates, and classmates. Thanks to popular sites, people resume communication, and subsequently keep in touch with each other, find out the news, and congratulate them on the holidays.

Networks also help in finding a job, as they provide useful information about the employer and the organization itself. In addition, a large number of hobby clubs have been created there, which help to usefully spend their leisure time and not waste time on useless watching TV or computer toys.

The evil of social media

Virtual communication replaces real interaction with people, a person has the illusion of a huge circle of acquaintances. However, this communication is not lively, fragmentary, devoid of emotions in their usual sense.

Social networks are killing the time of a modern person, because you can communicate in them endlessly, however, to the detriment of your personal life and even mental health. They are able to immerse a person completely in an unreal world, displacing the desire to live an ordinary life that is not connected with a computer: play sports, read books, go out into nature with friends.

In addition, there are many scammers on the Internet who hide behind masks of respectable people, sectarians recruiting followers, perverts with abnormal fantasies, seducing children.

Thus, care must be taken to avoid falling into the evil webs of the internet.

Social media is not a bad human invention, but it should be used with sound judgment and careful monitoring of children's contacts.
