How To Collect Money For Charity In Social Networks

How To Collect Money For Charity In Social Networks
How To Collect Money For Charity In Social Networks

Almost all charitable activities in Russia are of a social nature and aims to unite people before the main problem - helping those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. And if there are issues that can be resolved with personal participation, then there are those for which it is necessary to collect funds. If we are talking about a large amount, we must try to attract as many caring people as possible.

How to collect money for charity in social networks
How to collect money for charity in social networks

Affordable charity

All charities and independent volunteers have their own groups and communities on social networks. On the pages in groups, they report on the work done, share news, post requests for help. Volunteering and charity require full transparency of activities, otherwise there will be no trust in such people and organizations. When it comes to collecting funds, the organization must have an impeccable reputation and confirm its activities with constant reports. Moreover, charitable foundations should post their financial statements once a year. This is a mandatory audit of non-profit organizations. All other reports on the expenditure of funds are published at the request of the management. But any donor and sponsor has the right to make an individual request for a financial report.

To date, more than 150 charitable foundations are registered in Russia.

Online help

Unfortunately, the realities of life are such that the whole world has to collect money for serious operations, to help the poor, to support orphans and to feed homeless animals. And social networks, covering the largest audience of active users, help a lot in such things. Requests for help appear there regularly. But do not forget that there are enough scammers on the Internet. Charitable organizations must comply with the mandatory conditions when publishing posts with requests. All registered non-profit organizations must have their own official website with contact information, bank details and electronic payment systems, information about management and employees, copies of registration documents. Thus, you can confirm your official activities in the eyes of potential benefactors.

Popularity on the web

Let's say a fund collects funds for the construction of a playground in an orphanage. Before the start of the action, it is necessary to choose a contractor and prepare a final estimate for the construction. Fundraising information must first be published on your official website. In the article, it is imperative to indicate for which orphanage the money is being collected, what will be built, post a copy of the estimate and a photo of the place where the new playground will be. After that, the news must be “re-posted” to all social networks where the fund has communities. As practice shows, most of the responses go to Vkontakte and Facebook. The situation is a little worse in LiveJournal - it is convenient there only to publish reports and draw attention to promotions and events. After posting a post asking for help, ask all your friends to copy the news to their pages. This way you can get more attention, which means more money.

Everything according to the rules

The most pressing issue of fundraising is the method of transferring money. The main legal way of obtaining funds from the fund is a bank account. However, for many benefactors, this method of transferring funds is not very convenient. Someone needs to go to the bank and stand in line for this, someone does not want to pay a commission for transferring funds from one bank to another. Others are afraid of tax deductions. Although, according to the law, charitable donations (of both the recipient and the sender) are not subject to any taxes. There is only one rule to follow: in the "purpose of payment" column it is necessary to indicate that this is a charitable donation. You can, for example, write that this is a charitable donation for the construction of a playground. Then, in this case, the fund will not be able to spend money on something else. The same applies to electronic money and wallets.

Sms service to help

The most popular way to collect money is paid sms messages. A charitable organization draws up a contract with a cellular operator (or an intermediary) for the provision of a paid short number sms service. When concluding a contract, the purpose of the number, the percentage (or lack thereof) for mediation services is stipulated. The convenience of this method of fundraising is that the money then immediately goes to the fund's account when a certain amount is collected.

Justify trust

It is more difficult for volunteers to collect money, and volunteering in Russia is not regulated by law. Only those people who work on behalf of a non-profit organization are credible. And if any of the donors have doubts, he can call the fund and ask about this person. After raising funds, be sure to publish a statement of funds spent. In it, you need to indicate how much money was collected, what they spent on (with copies of estimates, receipts, acts of work performed). Be sure to make a photo report.

The activities of charitable organizations are regulated by the Federal Law of August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations".

We will help the whole world

And what about someone who is left alone with their problems? Do not despair and look for caring people on the net. For example, let's say you've picked up a stray cat, cured it, and are looking for an overexposed or permanent family for it. You first need to pay the bill at the veterinary clinic, and this requires money.

First of all, place the information on your page on the social network. Look for communities where people who need help in some way apply. Often such groups are thematic, search will help you find the one that suits you. It is enough to request the topic "Helping stray animals", and you will find dozens of thematic groups. Be sure to post your information in such groups. Often such communities are strictly moderated, be prepared to provide the necessary information for posting. Attach a photo of the cat in the veterinary clinic after the procedures to the post. It is better to transfer money to the current account of the veterinary clinic, indicating which services this payment is for. And in general, try to ask for money less often to transfer to your account, so that you are more trusted and not suspected of fraud. Even if you are asking for funds to feed an animal, it is better to ask someone from caring people to buy food.
