How To Get A Job In Minecraft?

How To Get A Job In Minecraft?
How To Get A Job In Minecraft?

Many seasoned "minecrafters", having accumulated a certain experience in their favorite game, often come to the realization that they gravitate most towards a specific occupation there. For example, they prefer hunting various mobs to the extraction of game resources, or vice versa. In this case, they should take advantage of the opportunity offered by many Minecraft servers - to get a job there.

Even the mediocre extraction of valuable resources can become a profession
Even the mediocre extraction of valuable resources can become a profession

General principles of how to find a job in minecraft

Any player can easily find out the list of those types of professional activities that he - if he so desires - will be engaged in his favorite game. To do this, first of all, he should turn on the chat and press the letter T. To call up a list of available vacancies, enter the following command: / jobs browse. A list of nearly two dozen different professions will quickly appear.

At first, it is not easy to understand what each such work is. Moreover, many of them are very similar to each other. Therefore, before agreeing to a specific specialization, the player will not hurt to study all of them.

To do this, enter the / jobs info command into the chat, and specify the desired specialty after a space. Do not settle for the first lesson you come across. It is better to consider all that are of interest. So the gamer learns better about the tasks for a particular profession and cash bonuses from their completion.

The material reward for the work will increase as the gamer moves to a higher level of skill. This will happen due to the accumulation of certain gaming experience.

After the choice is made, the player needs to write the / jobs join command and the name of the job in the chat. The selected vacancy is highlighted in the chat in red. You can take no more than four specialties at a time.

A job for miners and destroyers

Those who like the main activities of any "minecrafter": the extraction of valuable resources and the fight against evil monsters - can begin to perform such work for a material reward. True, here the main emphasis will be on the destruction of various blocks or game creatures.

A true warrior who loves to fearlessly fight various monsters and has a full set of excellent armor for this, will certainly want to take on the role of a Soldier. Such a worker will receive a cash bonus for each killed enemy and some neutral mobs. A kind of analogue of a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ridding the neighborhood of dangerous characters.

Digger has completely different tasks. He will have to "fight" exclusively with a shovel and only with various blocks. He will need to dig up earth, mycelium, sand, gravel, Soul Sand, grass, clay.

The functions of the Miner are very similar. He will earn bonuses by destroying stone and valuable ores - lapis lazuli, hell stone, redstone, iron, etc. The pay for this will, of course, not be the same as in Lukoil for oil production, but it is quite tolerable for a gamer.

Food miners and culinary specialists

Players who are more attracted to all kinds of "peaceful" occupations and prefer spending time in the kitchen, in the garden or with a fishing rod, will certainly choose a slightly different profession. Such a group of specialties is associated with obtaining valuable resources from flora and fauna.

For example, a Forester (Woodsman) will need to trade by growing seedlings, and after turning them into trees, cut down wood and foliage from them; The fisherman, as his profession suggests, is left to earn money by catch.

Farmer's functions are a little more extensive. He is intended to cultivate various agricultural crops and ornamental plants. Flowers, mushrooms, Infernal growths, watermelons, pumpkins, as well as the killing of cows, sheep, chickens, pigs - these are all his paraffia.

A little more creative work with Baker. He needs not only to create the simplest culinary ingredients (like sugar), but also to craft dishes of various complexity levels from them.

When a gamer realizes that he is tired of a certain profession, or for some other reason he wishes to leave it, it is easy to quit it. You just need to write the command / jobs leave in the chat, and then the name of the specialty.

Real magicians

For those who have always dreamed of becoming a wizard and therefore, although they dream of feeling in this particular role in the game, there are five vacancies to choose from related to witchcraft and changing the properties of various objects. All these professions are very similar to each other.

For example, Enchanter, Theurgist and Conjurer will have to enchant a variety of things. At the same time, the first of them will specialize exclusively in weapons, the second in armor, and the third in tools.

Alchemist and Brewer's tasks are also quite similar. Both of them make money by working over chemical vessels and creating a very valuable product for performing various game tasks - a potion. At the same time, Brewer has a narrower specialization - he deals with attacking magic drinks.

Their fiefdom is crafting and building

The remaining five professions out of seventeen available in Minecraft are associated with the creation of various items, as well as the construction and refinement of buildings. Those players who like this most of all are likely to be interested in such vacancies.

For example, there are three similar specialties - Weaponsmith, Armorer, and Toolmaker. The first two are blacksmiths, but one of them will have to craft and repair weapons, and the other - armor. Toolmaker is not responsible for the forge - it only manufactures and repairs tools.

The Builder will, for a certain reward, be involved in the installation of various blocks that make up all kinds of buildings. The Carpenter will ennoble them by creating various decorative objects for them: stairs, fences, pressure plates, etc.
