One of the types of trading that does not require costs at the initial stage is online trading. At the same time, the easiest way is to openly or covertly act as an intermediary, reselling goods or placing an order on behalf of the client.

It is necessary
- - A computer
- - The Internet
Step 1
First of all, decide on the type of products that you are going to offer to a potential client. At the same time, it is worth focusing on those product groups that cause the greatest interest among more people in order to maximize the likely number of customers. These can be products that complement each other. The most effective way is to first define the target audience, and then create a list of products that this target audience may need.
Step 2
Create or order a website. If you have such an opportunity, create a site on paid hosting, but if you decide to start without initial investments, create a site on free hosting. Upload photos and product descriptions, think over payment options - you can choose both electronic money and non-cash payment. Sending the goods should be carried out only after the prepayment has been made.
Step 3
Launch groups on social networks that will duplicate the products that are on your site. Invite members, advertise the group and site. Make sure that the group members have the opportunity to communicate directly with you or the consultant, simplify the feedback form. Remember that any member of this group is your walking ad, and the better you treat him, the more likely he and his friends will become your regular customers.