In our age of advanced computer and Internet technologies, almost anyone can create their own website. Do not think that it takes a lot of money to open a web resource. In fact, the site is completely free to open.

Step 1
Before you open a free site, think about what it will be about. You should not post materials on the site on topics in which you yourself are poorly versed, because readers will instantly feel it. Also, remember that all content must be 100% unique or linked to the source. Before creating a website, do a little marketing research: decide on competing websites and your target audience. This way you can better plan your website concept.
Step 2
The second step in building a free website is really a small investment. It is about acquiring a unique domain name for your resource. Choose a simple and easy-to-remember name that matches the theme of your site. If you don't want to spend money on a second-level domain (they cost from 100 rubles), you can get a third-level domain, for example or
Step 3
The third step in creating a free website is choosing a hosting. Hosting can be either paid or free. Free hosting services are provided by, and many others. However, remember that sites hosted on free hosting have limited capabilities. They are not accepted in various advertising and affiliate programs and, in addition, are not taken into account by Yandex.
Step 4
If you are planning to create a serious resource and make money on it, then make a choice in favor of paid hosting. You can pay for hosting both monthly and once a year. Some of the most trusted hosting sites include Timeweb, Avahost, Beget, Sprinthost and many more.