Let's say you have some special skill or knowledge that you want to share or exchange with like-minded people. You definitely need to create your own personal website. This matter is simple to a certain stage.

It is necessary
Computer, internet connection, money
Step 1
Be clear about the content and purpose of the site. You should not cram all sorts of directions into it. For effective work and better perception of the electronic resource, stop on any one topic. If new ideas appear, you will create another site for them.
Step 2
Come up with a name for the site and its domain name. The domain serves as a unique textual identifier. At its core, it is the online site address. Make it up from numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet, include a hyphen in it. For ease of perception, the domain name should be readable and easy to remember. Therefore, the fewer characters it contains (the maximum length is 63 characters) and the clearer the words and phrases, the better.
Step 3
Decide which top-level domain -.ru,.com,.org,.net, or another - you would like to see as the end of your personal site address.
Step 4
Check the invented domain for uniqueness, for example, through sites that sell similar names. If the name is free, register it. If not, pick one that is not busy.
Step 5
Register a domain on any of the sites that provide a similar service. It doesn't matter which registrar you prefer. Focus on the price and time allotted for registration. This procedure usually does not last long. To register, use the instructions on the website. Fill in all your personal data, familiarize yourself with the payment methods for the service. Pay for a domain name. Receive information about successful domain delegation by email. Registration must be renewed annually. Otherwise, the domain name will be canceled.
Step 6
Choose a hosting. This is your site's residence. Place it on free hosting if you want. There are more and more similar places on the Internet where you can host a website with a personal second-level domain. Or put your site on a paid hosting. To do this, buy a service for placing information on the server for a month or a year. If you like the work of the hosting company, extend it, if it does not suit you, find a new service provider.
Step 7
The simplest thing has been done - the site is open. Now pick an engine - use the free one or buy it, work on the design and fill the site with information. If designing a resource seems too difficult for you, contact the website developers and purchase the option that suits you.