Twitter is a popular social network abroad, in Russia, as well as in neighboring countries. This web project serves not only as a site where friends can communicate, but also as a platform for advertising other web resources, services and goods. Whatever goal you set for yourself, your Twitter account should be popular. In other words, you must have a significant number of followers.

Here are some guidelines to help your account become the most popular:
1. During registration and account creation, try to fill in all the fields that are there as detailed as possible. In this case, users will not think that you are some kind of bot, which was created only to advertise another site. People will become more loyal to your profile.
2. Never try to transform quality into quantity. I mean, it's better to have only 200 subscribers, but active and real, than 1000, but abandoned and empty bots.
3. Monitor other similar accounts, perhaps from them you will learn some new tricks that will increase the number of readers.
4. It is important to write regularly, not once a month. Don't take long breaks. But at the same time, do not write everything in a row, but only information that is interesting and useful for your readers. If you do the opposite, you can lose most of your normal followers.
5. As for the profile, you can still advise such an important detail as the mandatory upload of a photo. After all, something should make your account stand out? Profiles without photos and even avatars look dull and frivolous. About the avatar. Of course, you can put a beautiful avatar instead of your photo, but this should not be done immediately, but only after some time. It is worth considering that the longer you have the same photo or avatar, the more users will associate it with your website (company / product), so it is better not to change it at all.
Of course, these are not the only methods to increase the popularity of your Twitter account. Approach this task creatively and responsibly. In this case, the result will not be long in coming.