How Many Projects Does Yandex Contain?

How Many Projects Does Yandex Contain?
How Many Projects Does Yandex Contain?

The Yandex search engine helps the user not only find the information he needs, but also provides some useful services that can make using the Internet more convenient and interesting. Nowadays it is already difficult to imagine Yandex without our usual mail, market, maps, pictures, etc.

How many projects contains
How many projects contains


This is one of the most popular Yandex projects. Anyone can open their own e-mail box for free.


This service allows you to view a map of any territory of the Earth. There is also an opportunity to get here information about traffic jams on city roads, to plot a route from one point to another, to see the streets in panorama mode. In addition to the standard schematic map, you can use satellite, hybrid and folk maps.


This project unites online stores of all product categories so that each client can leave his opinion about the ordered products, evaluate the work of the store. Here you can also find the product you are interested in, its cost, description and the store offering this product.


The Yandex news service not only notifies Internet users about current events in various fields, but also sorts information by topic, frequently updates, which is reflected in the service's news feed. Search engine workers process many different news publications to provide the most complete description of the news.


Service "Yandex. Dictionaries" is very useful for people interested in the meaning of a word, translation of foreign words, or simply looking for information about any phenomenon or event, concept, term. All this can be easily done, because the service contains many encyclopedias of different directions and topics.


For some, blogging is a favorite pastime, but for someone it is very important to get acquainted with the most discussed topics on the Internet and read the posts of new popular bloggers. Yandex brings together the most famous blogging services.


The Yandex. Video project is able to provide the user with the content he is looking for. It can be any movie, video or just a video on a given topic.


This service is a rich database of pictures and photos that can satisfy any user search query. On Yandex you can find high quality pictures, small or large extensions and completely different topics.

In addition to the main projects, the Yandex search engine contains many auxiliary resources, sometimes no less important. Here are some of them: "poster", "money", "music", "people", "weather", "work", "TV program", etc. Thus, at the moment Yandex is implementing 60 projects, which proves the versatility and constant development of the resource.