How To Read An Anonymous Opinion

How To Read An Anonymous Opinion
How To Read An Anonymous Opinion

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Opinions is one of the services provided by the VKontakte social network to its users. Its meaning lies in the ability to leave anonymous messages, although this anonymity may be relative.

How to read an anonymous opinion
How to read an anonymous opinion


Step 1

Disable the Suggestions service to use one of the recommended methods of disclosing the identity of the anonymous author, and come up with a phrase that can force the recipient to click on the link. Send it by adding the value act = a_sent & to_id = user_id_ID & dec = 1 to the text. After that, it remains to be hoped that the invented text will force the "anonymous user" to click on the link, and this, in turn, will be displayed in the "Suggestions".

Step 2

Download and install on your computer a specialized application "Pathfinder" designed to save information about all visitors to your page. Determine the time when the anonymous message appears and view the list of users who visited your personal page during this period. This will allow, with a greater or lesser degree of probability, to calculate the author of an anonymous opinion.

Step 3

Go to the "Opinions" service and find the desired anonymous message. Use the "Add to Black List" button and wait for the button to change to "Add to White List". All links of the anonymous author will also change to "Add to the whitelist", which will allow, at least, to understand whether this is one person or different users, and as a maximum - to determine his identity.

Step 4

Use the most effective way to identify the author of an anonymous post, but keep in mind that this method is the most radical. Start deleting one at a time from your friends list, each time sending an opinion reply to the remote recipient. The impossibility of sending a response will serve as proof of the identity of the anonymous author.

Step 5

Use the knowledge of human psychology - come up with such an answer to an anonymous opinion on your page so that the author will definitely want to contact you and, thus, reveal his identity.
