Stickers are the most popular pictures on social networks. Today, users are simply organizing races to receive funny pictures, which can later be sent to their friends. It got to the point that they have already begun to sell them, however, some are still available for free.

Recently, users of the social network VKontakte have created a huge excitement around the stickers of Lisa, a fan of stories. This is an innovation of the social network - a story, available only in a mobile application. Surprisingly, the story allows you to publish both videos and plain texts, but not publish them on your page. In essence, this is a new way of exchanging information. For users to learn and start using the proposed chip, a new set of stickers with Fox was released.
This set includes 40 pictures, which depict a cheerful red Fox, expressing various emotions. Obtaining such stickers is absolutely free. They warn about this at once and therefore get off with a few rubles and just buy them will not work. For each sticker you have to work hard. It will take more than one day in time, because the Fox gives out the task once a day, and gives only 1 emotion for it.
How to get stickers Fox VKontakte
The beginning is very simple. You join a group on a social network and start a dialogue with the bot with any word that comes to your mind. According to statistics, the vast majority for some reason say hello and only a few show creativity.
After receiving your any phrase, 4 emotions will be available immediately.

Next, you will need to follow the instructions of the Fox himself. As practice shows, he contacts you the very next day. If you continue to complete his assignments and post stories, you will receive the entire set. If you remain silent, then he will remind of himself once a day until you refuse to "communicate" with him with the categorical word "no".
The start of this promotion was on April 28th. It turns out that the entire set can be received only by June 3 (provided that on the first day you received 4 pieces and then 1 per day, 40 in total). However, in the same Lisa group in contact there are already such users who are ready to tell the secrets to get the entire basket with lightning speed.

Such life hacks are offered for 2 gifts, and for reposts, and for adding to friends. In fact, you will not have to spend money either, the passion will simply disappear. But those who do not have a mobile version of the social network (and there are quite a few of them), because only in it you can publish your stories, successfully use the proposed options and already today have the entire set completely free of charge, but not disinterestedly.