How To Change Minutes To Tele2 Gigabytes

How To Change Minutes To Tele2 Gigabytes
How To Change Minutes To Tele2 Gigabytes

The competition between mobile operators in the Russian market today is quite strong. And of course, such companies, trying to retain or attract customers, make them from time to time all kinds of lucrative offers. So the operator Tele2 recently launched a new service for exchanging the remaining minutes of the tariff for additional gigabytes of traffic.

conversion of minutes to gigabytes of tele2
conversion of minutes to gigabytes of tele2

The answer to the question of how to change minutes to Tele2 gigabytes is relatively simple. This service is designed for those customers who managed to consume traffic before the end of the settlement date. However, if necessary, you can connect such a function at any time - even if there is still traffic.

What minutes can be changed

Actually, the very use of this function is absolutely unlimited. To exchange for gigabytes, Tele2 users can use minutes:

  • on the main package;
  • received upon activation of the "Transfer minutes" service (from the previous billing period);
  • received within the function of setting the tariff for yourself.

How can you change minutes to gigabytes with the Tele 2 operator?

There are actually several ways to activate this service. The easiest way to exchange minutes for gigabytes is by typing on the phone sequentially:

  • command * 155 * 62 *;
  • the number of minutes to exchange;
  • # icon;

In order to find out whether it is possible to convert minutes to Tele2 gigabytes at all, use the command * 155 * 77 #. After it is sent, the operator's client gets the opportunity to view the history of all previous exchanges (by command * 155 * 64 #).

There is one more answer to the question of how to change minutes to Tele2 gigabytes. In order to perform such an operation, you just need to go to your personal account on the official website of this operator. The function here will be available directly on the main page (under the name of the tariff).

Service features

Gigabytes connected via the exchange, according to the Tele2 rules, are consumed in the first place. Unfortunately, such traffic does not pass the next month, if it remains. After the exchange, it is also advisable not to change the tariff. Performing such an operation will lead to the fact that the received gigabytes from the user will simply burn out.

Clients of this operator in all regions of Russia can change minutes to gigabytes in Tele2. The only thing is that, unfortunately, this function is not available in Crimea. But Tele2 users hope that soon the company will provide such a convenient service to the inhabitants of the peninsula.
