How To Protect The Rights To The Site

How To Protect The Rights To The Site
How To Protect The Rights To The Site

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Not all website owners like it when their work is plagiarized. It is inconvenient to manually search for copies of your copyright texts all over the Internet. It is much better to entrust this process to an automated system.

How to protect the rights to the site
How to protect the rights to the site


Step 1

Go to the following page: O = fChoose the Copyscape banner you like and add it to your website. To do this, click on the banner and after loading the page with a fragment of HTML-code, copy it and place it in the desired place on the page. This alone should scare off a significant proportion of potential plagiarists.

Step 2

To check your resource for plagiarism on other sites, go to the Copyscape homepage: Put your site's URL in the input field, and then click Go. You will see the first ten search results. This is usually quite enough, but if you need to find out about other plagiarists, you will have to use the paid service option. In this case, one search will cost you five cents.

Step 3

The number of free checks of the same site within a month is limited. At the same time, all third-level domains located on the same second-level domain are considered one site. This can lead to certain inconveniences for the owners of sites located on free hosting. If you encounter this problem, consider moving your resource to another, less popular hosting.

Step 4

When you demand respect from others, show them respect yourself. It is enough to place at least one foreign material on your site in order to completely “hammer” the search results in the Copyscape system with links to the original of this material. In such conditions, you will not be able to find those who use your work.

Step 5

If desired, the Copyscape system can be misused. If you allow your materials to be redistributed under a free license, you can use the same service to check how popular your works are with other site owners. In this case, you do not need to place a Copyscape banner on your website.
