Counter-Strike server owners are usually interested in attracting as many client players as possible. This requires the server to be visible in favorites, that is, to be displayed in global search.

Step 1
Make sure your server is on the list of working master servers. To do this, create the setmasters.cfg file in the / cstrike directory using the Notepad program and insert the working wizard commands into it.
Step 2
Add the setmasters.cfg command at the very bottom of the server.cfg exec configuration file. If you copied the wrong set of wizards, the message "MasterRequestRestart Your Server is out of date. Please Update end restart" may appear when starting the game. In this case, keep looking for good commands.
Step 3
Run the Steam.inf file in the / cstrike folder and, depending on the version of the game, write the following commands:
PatchVersion =
ProductName = cstrike
Step 4
Go to your browser and go to At the very bottom of the page, find the Submit server field, write your IP address in it and click add server. If you have a dynamic IP, the last action will need to be repeated before each game launch or server update.
Step 5
Try to simplify your server setup task. To do this, find and download the patch from Hellr0ck build Jun 15 2009 with the wizards already written. Move the Steam.dll file from the archive to the server folder where the Hlds.exe file is located. Run Dproto.cfg and replace the line MasterClient = 0 with MasterClient = 1 to enable the client to check the server.
Step 6
Open the file that starts the server (*.cmd, *.bat) by adding the –nomaster command to its name via the properties menu (launched by right-clicking). This is required to install the official Steam Workers.