How To Put News On The Site

How To Put News On The Site
How To Put News On The Site

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The news module helps visitors to keep abreast of events. By default, it is placed on the main page of the site. If, while editing a template, you accidentally deleted the necessary code, but then decided to put news on the site again, you need to perform several actions.

How to put news on the site
How to put news on the site


Step 1

There are a lot of sites on the network created in ucoz, so this article is about how to insert news in this particular system. Log in to your site as a user with administrator rights. Enter the editing mode of the page on which you want to post news. In this case, even the visual mode is suitable (the button with the image of the eye at the very bottom of the page). Paste the $ LAST_NEWS $ code in the place where the news should be located and click on the "Save" button.

Step 2

Log in to the site control panel, confirming your actions with a password and verification code. Select "Site News" from the menu. In order to set the parameters for the news block (specify the number of materials displayed on the main page and the archive page, customize the appearance of fields for adding materials, and so on), select the "Module settings" section. Use the provided fields and drop-down lists to set the desired values. Don't forget to click on the "Save" button.

Step 3

To customize the way the news is displayed, in the Site News menu, select the Module Design Management item. Edit the HTML as you see fit, setting the appropriate options for displaying the archive page, content, and comments. When all the necessary parameters are configured, you can proceed directly to adding news. To do this, go to the "Materials Management" section.

Step 4

When the page is refreshed, click on the "Add Content" button in the upper right corner of the screen. If required, upon request, enter your username and password again, confirming your administrator rights. Fill in all the fields that you previously marked in the "Module settings" section - the name of the material, a short description, the full text, and so on - and click on the "Add" button. The news will be posted on the page where you inserted the $ LAST_NEWS $ code. To edit the news, use the control buttons that will appear in the block after adding it to the page.
