A domain name is a website address or a specific zone, which is assigned an original name that is different from others. This address or name is entered into the address bar of the browser to go directly to the site itself. Domain names are considered to be a hierarchical system, with the help of which an ordinary user can easily navigate the vastness of the Internet.
General about domain names
There are several levels of domain names. For example, a top-level domain is not available for registration to an ordinary user. And second-level domain names are just intended for use by any interested webmaster. There are also third and fourth level domains, which are often referred to as subdomains or subdomains. That is, they are part of the top domain.
Subdomains are usually used by organizations to create unique names for their departments or resources. The domain name of the site consists of several parts, which are separated by periods. First-level names are of the following form -.ru,.com,.org and others. Second level domains - example.com. The third level is name. example.com. Domain levels are located from right to left, and they are also read from the end, that is, from the first-level domain.
Top level domain
Domains of the first, or top, level (English TLD - Top-Level Domains) are divided into two types - general and national. Nationals are two-letter domains and are created specifically for each country. They are also called geographic. According to the latest data, the number of registered geographic domain zones does not exceed 260. For example, the Russian national domain is.ru /.рф, and the Ukrainian one -.ua /.ukr.
General top-level domains (gLTDs) are created and installed for specific organizations or communities. Initially, the number of first-level domain names was limited, but later they began to create additional zones, as the Internet industry was actively developing.
The international organization ICANN is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which manages the entire address space on the Internet. In 2011, ICANN began introducing new first-level domain names. Any legal entity can now own a personal top-level domain by submitting an application.
Thanks to the personal domain zone, the organization will have the opportunity to have a common address space on the World Wide Web. It will be possible to create addresses of the following type PRODUCT. BRANDNAME, which will cause users to associate with a specific company or brand.
The cost of each application is considered on an individual basis, a one-time payment to ICANN is required, payable upon application, minimum $ 185,000. Then $ 25,000 is paid each year, plus technical costs. The total amount varies from 200 to 500 thousand dollars.