How To Upload A Site To A Host

How To Upload A Site To A Host
How To Upload A Site To A Host

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The Internet is the mainstream media today. Tens of millions of websites provide up-to-date information to billions of users every day. A modern webmaster doesn't have to be a technical specialist at all. Rather a businessman. He can order the creation of a site for knowledgeable people, and its content - to a content provider. All that remains for him is to decide how to upload the site to the host.

How to upload a site to a host
How to upload a site to a host


  • - data for access to the administrative panel of the hosting account;
  • - data for access to the site server via FTP;
  • - possibly data for accessing the site server via the SSH protocol.


Step 1

Prepare the site content to be moved to the hosting provider's server. Create a temporary directory on your computer's hard drive. Create a subdirectory structure in the temporary directory that matches the intended directory structure for the site on the server. Place in the created directories files of scripts, static pages, images, etc. Unpack the database dumps, if any, into separate directories.

Step 2

Add the site domain and all required subdomains to the hosting. Log in to the hosting admin panel with your credentials. Go to the domain management section. Add the domain dedicated to the site. Go to the service management section of the added domain. Add subdomains. As a result of these actions, a directory structure for the domain and its subdomains will be created on the server.

Step 3

Connect to the hosting provider's server using FTP with your credentials. Use an FTP client or file manager with FTP support.

Step 4

Upload the site files to the host. Go to the public documents directory of the main domain of the resource. Copy some of the content to be hosted on the primary domain from the temporary directory on your hard drive to the current directory on the server. Make a copy while maintaining the directory structure. Follow the same steps to move information to the server to be placed on subdomains.

Step 5

Change the file and folder permissions if necessary. For the correct operation of various scripts, it may be necessary to change the access rights to data or configuration files, to directories intended for saving data, etc. Typically, rights can be changed using an FTP client.

Step 6

Create databases if necessary for site scripts to work. Go to the appropriate section of the hosting admin panel. Add the required number of databases with the required names. Create database users and set passwords for them.

Step 7

Upload site database dumps to the host. Use the web interfaces of the DB administration packages such as phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin, etc. if they are installed on the server. Go to the appropriate section of the control panel, make one of the databases current, open the data import page. Load the data into the database from a dump on the local disk. If phpMyAdmin is not installed, connect to the site server via SSH. Upload the database dumps to a directory not accessible from the web via FTP. Import data from dumps using console client programs.
