How To Make A Lot Of VKontakte Hearts

How To Make A Lot Of VKontakte Hearts
How To Make A Lot Of VKontakte Hearts

The real boom in collecting Vkontakte hearts fell on 2011-2012, when only this "Like" button appeared. Around the same time, services appeared that were engaged in cheating this parameter in unimaginable quantities.

How to make a lot of VKontakte hearts
How to make a lot of VKontakte hearts

Ways to increase the hearts of Vkontakte

Enlarge hearts, for example, under the avatar, you can install the application "Hypocrite" or any other for sharing. The bottom line is that you put "I like" on different pages, and people put them in your answer.

The second way to increase was the appeal to various people engaged in wrapping likes using non-existent pages through programs. All of them receive tasks to put the heart in the right place, and the program performs it for them.

Also, some people send private messages to their friends and not only requests to put this heart, someone is not lazy, but someone is lazy, then how lucky. This is a very annoying method, after which the number of friends on your list can decrease, so use it carefully.

You can also try to go through the groups with open comments and leave requests under the fresh posts to click on this button. There is one drawback - people can complain about you to Vkontakte technical support, administrators, after several complaints, decide that your page has been hacked and freeze it. To defrost, you will need to receive an SMS with a code to the phone to which the page is linked.

Of the good ways to increase hearts, participation in various contests can be noted, they will bring you new "likes" and new friends or subscribers, this is much more useful. The better your photograph and the better the information you provide, the more likely you are to get a higher "Like" value.

The ingenuity of people goes beyond all boundaries, perhaps now there are already other ways to wind up this indicator.

Is it necessary to wind up Vkontakte hearts

Better think about what you need it for. When the number of hearts is very different from the number of friends, it looks unnatural. Such popularity on a social network will not add to your popularity in life, and you will not get better. So it is more correct and wiser to spend time on a hobby, a walk, a conversation, reading a book, self-development, and anything else, than on a senseless winding up of a fictional parameter that does not reflect the real disposition of people towards you.
