Alchemy in World of Warcraft is a peaceful craft for the production of all kinds of elixirs and potions. Given that most players develop mainly combat skills from their characters, they have to buy various decoctions that increase characteristics and give superiority in combat. That is why the profession of an alchemist guarantees the player a steady income.

Step 1
To pump alchemy, go to the capital of your kingdom and talk to the city guards. Find out where the alchemist and herbalist are. First go to the alchemist and learn the specialty Alchemy from him. Then visit a herbalist and learn the Herbalism specialty. Your level in both majors is Apprentice.
Step 2
After that, go to the store and buy a Cenarion Bag and several dozen empty flasks there. Now go outside the city to collect herbs. After leaving the city gates, open the profession menu and select the Herbalism item. Now look at the map and move to the places where medicinal herbs grow. Approaching the plant, click on it with the mouse and place it in your inventory. First, collect 59 Myrrhloom and Silverleaf flowers each. Next, open the professions menu of your character again and click on the Alchemy inscription. Set the number of potions to 59 and select Create.
Step 3
Wait a while until your hero brews 59 potions and is ready to move to the next skill level. Now go to the city to the master alchemist. Talk to him and learn the next level of specialty - the Apprentice. Then raise the herbalist's profession level in the same way. After that, find out where the auction is located and put up the potions you brewed there for auction.
Step 4
Go to the store and buy more empty flasks for new potions. Reactivate the herbalist's abilities and find 93 Earthen Roots, 5 Magorosis Flowers and 33 Bruise Flowers. If you can't find the amount you need, go to the auction and buy the required ingredients there. Brew new potions from them.
Step 5
In this way, pump alchemy to a value of 475 and get the level of Illustrious master. When the game prompts you, choose one of the directions in the development of your alchemist. If you want to brew a lot of healing elixirs and spend less effort and money on them, choose the Elixir Master direction. If you need to produce more fortifying and enhancing infusions, choose the Potion Master, and if you want to create rare elements with unusual properties, choose Transmutation. After that, continue to develop the hero in the chosen direction.