In Minecraft, as in the off-game reality, there is a change of day and night, as well as a variety of natural phenomena. However, such realism is not to every gamer's liking. And it's not about personal preferences, but about some of the problems arising from precipitation in the gameplay. Is it possible to turn off bad weather?

Setting clear weather with mods
Rainy weather is usually not capable of damaging the gamer. However, in some beta versions of the game there was a bug where raindrops penetrated through solid materials - including through the blocks from which the player's house was built - but now this deficiency has been eliminated. Otherwise, everything is fine. Rain cannot even wet a gamer's character, as in reality.
However, it was disliked by many Minecraft fans due to the fact that it causes problems of a completely different kind. Those who have a computer that is far from the most powerful, encounter countless lags during the game bad weather. The gameplay becomes a real torment for them, as it constantly freezes or gives out unwanted graphical effects.
Therefore, many Minecraft users are seriously thinking about the question of whether it is realistic to completely eliminate inclement weather phenomena and observe an exceptionally clear sky in the game. This is quite possible under certain conditions.
Perhaps the most reliable way to achieve this is by installing mods to control the weather. Especially popular in this regard (and also because of their many other advantages) Too Many Items, Not Enough Items and similar modifications. With them, eliminating rain turns out to be a fairly simple task. To do this, you just need to go to one of the sections of the menu, which is responsible for the weather, and make the appropriate settings there. Now you can play, forgetting about the bad weather.
Precipitation Commands
However, if you don't want to mess with mods, you should use certain commands. True, on multiplayer game resources, they are available only to those who are endowed with administrative powers. For such people, in order to make life easier for many players by eliminating the rain, it will be enough to enter the / weather off command in their console. Now, on any part of the map on this resource, exceptionally sunny weather will be observed.
If ordinary gamers want to turn off the rain on their own whim, they cannot do without cheats. They will need to be registered even before the creation of the game world. When the latter is already available, you will have to generate a new one - in the appropriate section of the menu. Of course, because of this, the gameplay will have to start over, but now there will be no precipitation.
After loading the map, you can use several command options. For example, simply set the sunny weather to the maximum allowable time frame. If the player sees the solution to the problem with precipitation in this, he will need to enter the phrase / weather clear 900000 (or put nines instead of all zeros). Then, in the playing spaces, where he is, he will not have to watch rain or snow.
It is also not a sin to try to shorten the duration of such natural phenomena. It is worth saying that this is available only starting from version 1.4.2 of Minecraft. You just need to write the / weather rain command and, after a space from these words, indicate the minimum allowable indicator in seconds - 1. In a similar way, you can almost negate the manifestation of thunder - only in the above phrase, write thunder instead of rain.
For versions earlier than 1.3.1, the following method will also be relevant. True, it will act only when the bad weather has already begun. Then you need to enter the / toggledownfall command. If you write it in clear weather, it will lead to the opposite effect - rain will pour from the skies of the game.