MineCraft is a game in which the player must constantly create something, otherwise he simply will not survive in this virtual world. An important item is the chest, which can be made quite quickly.

While playing MineCraft, the player will sooner or later face such a problem as a lack of free inventory space. But it can be solved very simply, you only need to craft, that is, create, a chest. It is a block where you can store various items. A lot of things can be placed in the chest, since there are 27 cells inside for storing them.
Creating a chest
Crafting a chest will require certain resources, namely 8 boards. To get this item, you need to fill all the crafting slots with them, the only exception is the central cell. Then you need to install the chest using the RMB button. It is important to know that the type of wood does not affect its color and capacity, so any can be used. The chests are placed and used only after the player digs a hole in the floor. Its size should be 1x2, or better 1x1.
Using the chest
The player must know how to use the chest, then he will have more opportunities and he will spend less energy. When you connect 2 chests close to each other, you get a large chest with 54 cells. It will subsequently be impossible to put another chest to it, and this must be taken into account.
When an opaque object is hanging over the chest, it will be impossible to open it. If this item is destroyed, then all the things that are in it will drop out, but they can be collected. When there are other chests or transparent blocks on the chest, this will not prevent it from opening. Also, if there are mobs and players on it, it will easily open. However, if a cat is sitting on the chest, it will not be possible to open it. But you can drive her away, and the chest will open unhindered.
Finding chests
Chests in MineCraft can not only be created, but also found in abandoned houses, fortresses, villages, treasuries. They usually drop a variety of tools and blocks. In addition, there are also gift chests. This variety is issued for the holidays, they can contain valuable and rare things.
Types of chests
There are several types of chests in MineCraft. Each of them has a specific function. The End Chest can work between dimensions. Items that fold into it can be pulled from other chests. Trap chest beeps when opened. These types of chests can be found or created, but this will require additional resources, which will need to be taken care of before crafting.