Terraria, perhaps, would be less interesting for gamers if they did not have a chance to unexpectedly acquire a variety of valuable resources in its various locations. Such riches are kept, as usual, in chests, which players can craft to save their own treasures.

Where to find chests in terraria
One of the easiest ways to hide valuables in Terraria is to put them in a chest. This applies not only to the player's property, but also to the resources that he mines.
In hardmode, you should be extraordinarily careful with unfamiliar chests. It can easily be not a treasure vault, but an insidious monster disguised as it - a copycat.
Gamers can come across a lot of chests of different types. Often they are contained by a dungeon, and hell, and even a flying island (you can get there if you soar at the right height). Each of their discoveries will be accompanied by a pleasant anticipation of a special surprise, which is usually justified. In especially dangerous locations, chests contain really rare resources.
It will not be difficult for the player to open a simple chest if it is found. To do this, you just need to click on this item with the right mouse button. However, if nothing happens during such actions, the chest is locked. You will need a key to retrieve its contents. The latter still needs to be obtained, and this is often extremely difficult. For example, in the case of the Jungle Chest, for this you will have to kill even several bosses of different locations.
In a multiplayer game with the latter, by the way, you need to be careful, since the key to it usually opens literally all similar items on the server. A gamer would hardly want the wealth that rightfully belongs to him (as the earner of a lockpick to the Jungle Chest) to be used by other players who are closer than others to such storage facilities.
What can you make a chest out of?
There are almost three dozen options for such items in Terraria. They differ in appearance, but not in capacity. Usually, each chest has about forty slots for placing all kinds of materials on them. Of course, upon finding a finished chest and opening it, it is not a fact that all of the above cells will be filled with valuable resources, but when using such a thing, the gamer will be able to fill it with his own wealth to the maximum.
Not every type of chest can be crafted. However, it is enough that the gamer is available for making a dozen wooden and a number of other items of this kind. For the first, wood of the appropriate species is required - ebonite, red, palm, perlite, darkness, northern, etc. - in the amount of eight units. You also need a couple of ingots of lead or iron. A workbench should be chosen as a workplace.
You cannot put gold chests near the entrance to the room. In Terraria, a bug was noticed by many: when opening doors next to a similar object made of gold, it loses its previous properties, turning into an ordinary one.
The recipe for crafting a honey chest differs from the above only partially. It also requires two iron ingots, but instead of wood, eight portions of honey are used. By the way, an ordinary machine will not help in its manufacture - you will need a honey dispenser. By the way, a chest made in this way in terms of functionality will be just like a regular one.
Many items of this type cannot be crafted (and even the presence of an admin panel on the server in this situation will not help). These non-renewable items include shadow, gold, ice, entangled, ivy-covered, and a number of other types of chests. They can only be found - in the corresponding biomes and locations, with unique resources inside.