Yahoo! is a United States-based company that includes a search engine, web portal, and email service. The most popular search engine in the world is Yahoo! ranks second, in terms of website traffic - fourth.

Step 1
David Fileo and Jerry Yang in January 1994 created a site called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web, which was an overview of other Internet sites. In April of that year, graduate students renamed the site to Yahoo !. The name was taken from Swift's book "Gulliver's Travels", where yahoo is a race of stupid and rude humanoid creatures. By then, however, the name was already registered under the trademark barbecue sauce. Therefore, an exclamation mark was added to the name. The commercial potential of the project was highly appreciated and on March 2, 1995, Fileo and Young founded Yahoo!
Step 2
In 1997-1999, Yahoo! together with other search engines MSN, Lycos, Excite has gained great popularity among Internet users. In order for readers to spend more time on the Yahoo! portal, we have introduced many new services, one of which is the free mail service Yahoo! Mail. In 1998, the company acquired the gaming service Yahoo! Games. In July 1999, it introduced a new service, Yahoo! Messenger for instant messaging.
Step 3
Yahoo! in 1999-2001, it became one of the largest companies that survived the dotcom crash. Dot-coms are organizations that have built their business on the Internet. But after the fall of the NASDAQ (high tech) index in March 2000, dot-coms went bankrupt. Their collapse caused the price of Yahoo! and outflow of funds from the company. Therefore, the founders of the company took up telecommunications. And in 2002, they launched a national dialup service that allows a computer that uses a modem or telephone network to connect to another computer. In 2005, the company introduced a nationwide DSL service, which significantly increased the capacity of telephone lines.
Step 4
In 2005-2006, Yahoo! for users has launched new services Flickr, Yahoo! 360 ° and Yahoo! Music and a number of other social projects. In 2010, the company entered the Russian market and launched a Russian-language version of the electronic service - Yahoo! Mail. In 2012, the postal service was modernized. Basic electronic functions have been simplified. Also, the American corporation has launched a mail application for Apple smartphones. The search engine ranks first in the Japanese market. In 2008, Microsoft wanted to buy Yahoo! for $ 44.6 billion, but the deal did not materialize.