Should You Believe The Reviews On The Internet?

Should You Believe The Reviews On The Internet?
Should You Believe The Reviews On The Internet?

When choosing a restaurant, beauty salon or dental clinic, we often look for reviews on the Internet if there are no recommendations from friends or acquaintances. Is it possible to believe everything that is written or be skeptical?

Should you believe the reviews on the Internet?
Should you believe the reviews on the Internet?

It's no secret that there are PR companies or private copywriters who work on the image of companies, including by writing positive reviews on the website and other resources. How to distinguish a fake review from a "real" one and where to look for them.

The site of the company

It is easy to guess that on the website of this or that company there will be only good reviews, occasionally neutral ones may come across. Since the employees themselves monitor the content of the site and can easily delete everything that they do not like. Therefore, in search of the truth, go to independent sites that collect reviews of all companies.

There are specialized sites for restaurants, hotels, beauty salons. Of course, good reviews are ordered there, but there you can also find bad ones in order to get some kind of picture about the level and quality of services or goods. Competitors may order bad reviews, but this is quite rare. In reviews, pay attention to details and details: not just "everything is bad", but what exactly did not like it. If the date of the visit is indicated, this is also one of the signs that a bad review was written by a real client. If several people complain about the same things, then, apparently, for a reason.

The ratio of good and bad reviews

Human psychology is such that he may not find the time for a good review, but if he is very angry, he will not be too lazy to write wherever possible. Taking into account the fact that many positive reviews are the result of the work of marketers, then it is rather difficult to get an objective picture.


Pay attention only to well-known, visited and well-promoted forums where people come to communicate. Here you can get some idea about the author of the review, read his other messages. Each user usually displays the number of messages written. If praise is his only message, then the conclusion is clear.

Social media

From the author's page, you can easily conclude whether this is a real character or an advertising one. For example, if a bride left a review about a banquet in a restaurant, go to her profile, she probably posted photos of her wedding in the albums, or this is clear from the avatar. If you are interested in something - write in private messages, usually people are happy to share their impressions of restaurants, travel or masters in beauty salons.

Thus, if you correctly refer to the correct sources on the Internet, you can get the information you need. But it should be borne in mind that any opinion is subjective and may depend on the characteristics of the character of the writer or simply on his mood.
