Making money quickly on your site is based on using sites with cheap designs, writing articles with acceptable quality, increasing site traffic, minimizing the use of site-building software capabilities and placing contextual advertising on site pages.

- - ready site;
- - articles for the site.
Step 1
Determine the design of your website. At the same time, do not devote a lot of time to him, do not try to make him good right away. Find a design that will take less time and money to create. Use whatever template is currently at your fingertips, even to the point where you use simple tables on your website page.
Step 2
Write articles for the site. Don't try to write great articles right away. As a rule, constant rewriting and rewriting of articles does not lead to their improvement. Therefore, at the first stage, find some balance between qualitative and quantitative content of the site, in which you can write about 50 articles with relatively acceptable quality.
Step 3
To write articles quickly, use the following procedure:
- Express and justify the main idea that you want to convey to site visitors;
- support it with examples;
- edit the article;
- place the text on the site.
Step 4
Explore methods of increasing website traffic. To get a large number of visitors from Yandex and Google search engines, use search words (phrases) in the title of your text and 3-4 times inside it, with the help of which visitors can search for your site on the Internet. Also, insert these words (phrases) in the page properties.
Step 5
To quickly build a site, master the skills in copying photos and texts to the site, learn how to change the font and master other simple actions with the site. If possible, do not spend more than 2-3 hours on this.
Step 6
Place contextual advertising on your website and get income from referring website visitors to third-party resources.