After creating a website, webmasters have the problem of popularizing it. And in order for a new web project to become visited, it is necessary to engage in its "promotion".

Step 1
Create a sitemap of the site in xml format. To create an xml map, use the online xml map generation service Upload the resulting result to the root of your site, then to Google Webmaster (where you need to register beforehand), in the Sitemap menu, add a link to the xml-map in the format your_site / sitemap.xml.
Step 2
Also, do not forget to register in the Yandex. Webmaster service, the link to which is presented in the Additional Sources section. Add your site to special site directories: There are two ways. The first way is to manually register your site in various services, which is very difficult and time-consuming. The second way is to buy the Allsubmitter program, which has a large list of catalogs, or to order a "run" of your site through various specialized resources like,, etc. Some of them provide a free "run" with some restrictions.
Step 3
Create an RSS feed of your site's content and register your RSS feed in feed directories such as,, etc. This will allow you to publish your feeds to other sites. Implement the "Rule of three clicks" - from the most distant page of your site to the main page there should be no more than three transitions.
Step 4
Add your site to Rambler Top-100 and Rating. Add social media bookmarks to your site, you can read more about this on the Internet. Write (or order) an interesting article and publish it on various news sites. As for paid methods, there are a couple of options:
1) The easiest one is to find a person who will "promote" your site himself.
2) Write an article with links to your site and publish it on special text exchanges.