What Does The Word "ban" Mean?

What Does The Word "ban" Mean?
What Does The Word "ban" Mean?

With the advent and rapid development of the Internet, additional concepts began to appear, which have already become familiar today. One of them is ban (ban).

What does the word mean
What does the word mean

What is a ban?

Such a concept as a ban can often be found on various forums, torrent trackers, social networks, etc. Sooner or later, every novice user may ask the question - "What does it mean to ban?" By itself, the word ban can be perceived as a prohibition to action. Banning the Internet is a fairly popular way to control various user actions. Of course, in this regard, it turns out that the word ban means restricting the user in some actions, that is, he is deprived of some rights or receives limited rights.

The ability to ban a person has long been introduced into the Internet in order to protect Internet resources from some pranksters, spammers, vandals and other people whose actions are mostly of a malicious nature. Usually those people are banned who do not follow the requirements of the web resource. Most often this happens due to the fact that people are rude to someone, interfere with the productive work of the site, etc.

How can you ban a person?

It should be noted that usually the ban is valid only within the site on which the user was registered and similar measures were applied to him. Such a person can be banned either by the owner of the Internet resource or by its administrator (sometimes by moderators). As a rule, the ban is valid only for one account. Naturally, it turns out that the banned user has the opportunity to register another account and continue to interfere with people in one way or another. Of course, on some resources there is a special type of ban - by the user's IP-address, but there are also loopholes here. First, most modern ISPs provide their users with a dynamic IP. Therefore, the user can only restart the Internet and use the resource again. Secondly, a banned participant (even if he has not a dynamic, but a static IP address) can use special proxy servers or change his IP using special software and, again, use the service where he was banned.

In fact, a ban is a very cruel and most extreme measure of punishment for a user for not following the rules of some Internet resource. As a result, it turns out that a ban is a way to deal with users who either interfere with the productive operation of the service, or a way to deal with such users, whose messages, for one reason or another, are undesirable to the administrator or site owner.
