What Does The 504 Gateway Time-out Error Mean?

What Does The 504 Gateway Time-out Error Mean?
What Does The 504 Gateway Time-out Error Mean?

Quite often, while surfing the Internet, users may encounter a 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error, but everyone passes it by without even understanding what it means.

What does the 504 Gateway Time-out error mean?
What does the 504 Gateway Time-out error mean?

What does the 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error mean?

The 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error is one of the most common. What is 504 Gateway Timeout (time out)? As a rule, this kind of error can occur if a huge number of requests are sent to the server on which a web resource is located, and it simply does not have time to process them, that is, it cannot return within the specified time limit. HTTP response. As a result, the connection may even be interrupted, and the user will never get access to the web resource. This is due to the fact that the server does not have time to process old requests, which have already accumulated a lot, and new ones also appear, which stand in the queue and do not have time to be processed.

How do I resolve the 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error?

The problem may also lie in the script, which does not have time to cope with the task in the time allotted to it. In most cases, this happens when the script is accessing third-party nodes. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to increase the value of the PHP max_execution_time parameter. If the problem is not resolved, then the script itself will have to be optimized in some way so that it can complete tasks within the specified time.

Only the server administrator can cope with the pressing problem, who must increase its performance several times. You can accomplish your plan only if you increase the amount of computer RAM, and also change the processor to a more powerful one. In addition, you will need to increase the number of httpd processes directly in the Apache environment. It may also happen that the site generally has to "move" to another hosting. Such a need will arise only if the site will be located on a regular virtual hosting, the administrator of which will either not respond to requests, or refuse to help, or if he fails to solve such a problem.

There is one more solution, which may be to the liking of most of the users. This option implies optimization of the site itself. That is, the site administrator will need to optimize scripts, SQL queries and much more so that they can be executed in less time.
