"Daddy's Daughters" is an exciting and bright computer game in the "quest" genre, which will appeal to both children and adults. Due to its simplicity, the game is played in a short period of time, giving the player a lot of pleasure. You can spend your free time with interest playing this game, and a simple walkthrough will help you deal with difficult moments.

Step 1
The game begins with Polina's room, who must find clothes in order to go to the kindergarten. Find the tights on the chair, then the remaining items of clothing. Find an alarm clock on the shelf, move a chair towards the shelf and click on the alarm clock to wake up Zhenya.
Step 2
Collect the toys and arrange them on the shelf, and then collect the markers scattered around the room. Remove the dress from the drawer, and then toss the toy bear with the ruler on the closet and take the sock from Zhenya. After you dress Pauline, prepare breakfast.
Step 3
Move the stool to the bread bin and take out the bread. Solve the fridge magnet puzzle and then remove the cheese and candy from the fridge. Fill the kettle with water and boil it on the stove. Turn off the stove, then remove the cup, sugar bowl and candy from the cabinet.
Step 4
Find the remaining candy, and then remove the spoon and knife from the drawer. Find a tea bag in the cabinet behind the bread bin. Make sugar tea, cheese sandwich, and then zip the candy into Bagel's belly.
Step 5
After breakfast, go to wake Daddy. Start the alarm three times, take the TV remote and collect the keyboard buttons scattered around the room. Assemble the keyboard, turn on the TV, and wake up dad. Before leaving, collect the money that fell out of the wallet - find all the coins hidden in the house.
Step 6
To find the last coin, fix the bike and then find the key to the door and open it. In kindergarten, you find that you don't have a matinee suit - find a way to call your dad. Pick up the cubes and put them in the box for the boy to give you a mobile phone. Repair the toy railroad to find the sim card and battery. Give the phone to the teacher.
Step 7
In the next location, you must collect the parts of the broken doll scattered around the room. Then find the pieces of paper with your computer password written down. Give the assembled doll to Button and enter the computer using the found password. Print out the tasks and give them to Polezhaikin.
Step 8
Go to the kitchen and make a Diet Recipe sandwich. Give Polezhaikin the non-working microwave and collect the scattered bolts. Give them to Polezhaikin to fix the microwave and bake pizza in it.
Step 9
On the school physics test, help Polezhaikin solve the test by making a cheat sheet for this.
Step 10
In the next location, collect candy wrappers and give Masha the lost lipstick, and then find scissors to cut off the TV cable and prevent Zhenya from watching football. In response to Zhenya's request to watch TV, the grandmother will ask for a service - fulfill her requirements. In the end, Zhenya will have to go to dad's to work to watch football. You must have the secretary let her into the office.
Step 11
Collect the business cards in the office and give them to the secretary, then play the fax mini-game. Find the copier cartridge, insert it and copy the ticket found on the table. Give it to the secretary and the game will be over.