How To Encode A Link

How To Encode A Link
How To Encode A Link

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Anyone who is at least superficially familiar with the basics of html knows that a hypertext link leading to a particular address can also contain additional parameters, which can include both referral codes and a host of other settings. Often it is these parameters that determine the value of the link. The link should be encrypted to prevent third party clipping of parameters.

How to encode a link
How to encode a link


Step 1

Imagine that you have created a website to attract visitors through an affiliate link. As time goes on, your site is visited, but the conversion of visitors is less than you expected. This may be due to the fact that some unscrupulous visitors see that they are clicking on the affiliate link and remove the affiliate part from the link (naively believing that if they click on the affiliate link, they will eventually be required to pay more money. Often this is done simply out of envy of the owner of the resource).

Step 2

There are many ways to protect your links from the stupidity of visitors to your resource or just a banner. The first option is to use short link services. These sites allow you to convert your original link to a form that does not allow you to remove any part of the link. The link simply won't work.

Step 3

Go to any short link service. For example, Next, in the input field (under the Enter a long URL to make tiny clause:) enter the link you want to convert. Then click on the make tiny URL button (which in translation means - "create a tiny link").

Step 4

Copy the link obtained as a result of the service and use it for your own purposes. Typically, the original link takes the form alphanumeric code. Please note that if you remove any part from the link, it stops working or does not work correctly

Step 5

Another method to block link parameters from intruders is to use link encoding services. Their main difference is that the source code of the link is converted to base64 format. After converting the link, the resulting code can be used in any way convenient for you.

Step 6

Go to the source text encoding service (you can encrypt not only links). One of these services is the resource (a direct link is given at the end of the article).

Step 7

In the second form for entering text, enter or copy the text for encryption. Next, click on the convert to source data button. As a result, in the upper form for entering text, you will see an encrypted code containing numbers and letters. If you encoded the link, then the cipher can be used as follows:

