What To Write About Yourself On VKontakte

What To Write About Yourself On VKontakte
What To Write About Yourself On VKontakte

Table of contents:


Thousands of articles can be found on the Internet, telling about what you can write in the "about yourself" section on the "VKontakte" website. Everyone wants to stand out, come up with something original. However, the originality is inherent in ourselves, you do not need to invent anything, you just need to dream up a little.

What to write about yourself on VKontakte
What to write about yourself on VKontakte

It is necessary

  • - Access to the Internet;
  • - registration on the VKontakte website


Step 1

Go to your page on the VKontakte website by filling in the fields that require you to enter your username and password. Next, on the right side of the page, find the "Personal Information" section. To the right of this inscription, find the "Edit" button and click on it once with the left mouse button. After that, a page with fields in which you can enter various information regarding your personality will open in front of you. The "about myself" field is located at the very bottom. Scroll down the page with the mouse wheel and find it. Click in the window with the mouse pointer once with the left button and you can start typing.

Step 2

You can tell the truth about yourself. What are you doing, indicate the main traits of your character (calm, reckless, romantic), write about what you love (I like to read and communicate), etc.

Step 3

Many indicate in their information about themselves their favorite quotes, poems that describe his personality as best as possible. If you do not know such sayings, then you can search for them on various sites or in encyclopedias of aphorisms. If you found the desired phrase on the Internet, then you can simply copy it into the "about yourself" field. From the book, you will have to reprint it.

Step 4

If you do not want to write the truth about yourself, then invented information will do. It can be humorous, erotic, frightening, etc. The main thing is to start composing. However, you can also use some templates. For example, “name, height, weight, mileage, impact force, etc.”.

Step 5

If you want, you can not indicate anything about yourself at all, leaving this field blank. Or build a drawing from various signs and symbols. To do this, you can use various sites that host a huge variety of pictures.

Step 6

After you fill in the field about yourself, find the "Save" button under it and click on it once with the left mouse button. After a few seconds, the information will be saved, and at the top of the page there will be an inscription “Changes saved. The new data will be reflected on your page."
