What Should Be The Structure Of The Text For The Site

What Should Be The Structure Of The Text For The Site
What Should Be The Structure Of The Text For The Site

The website page is one of its "business cards", therefore, it must be designed correctly and thought out. As for the content itself posted on this page, it must be created according to certain rules.

What should be the structure of the text for the site
What should be the structure of the text for the site

For a start, the text should be “easy to read”. The more accessible your content is, the more it is able to attract users, but incomprehensible and abstruse speech can alienate them.

It is imperative that the text for the Internet is structured, or rather has sections. Search engines do not welcome large chunks of content without paragraphs and subheadings, pictures and other separators. It is also not recommended to post articles that cite other materials of the same website or other resources where pictures of a huge format are inserted.

Hidden text, small and incomprehensible print awakens hostility among visitors and search engines. Since the text is written for people, you should provide them with comfort in reading.

As an exemplary content design, you might prefer the following:

  • the title is great and exciting and certainly contains the keyword / phrase (for example, "How to sell a car in Moscow");
  • a pair of subheadings, any of which contains a specific main phrase or phrase;
  • pictures in ALT tags;
  • location in the text of graphs, tables, and the like;
  • hyperlinks that direct the user to other pages on the website where he can find more detailed information.
