The site's profit largely depends on the subject matter. There is competition in every area, but the ways of promotion to generate income are different everywhere. You can reach a stable profit on any resource, if you approach the issue of promotion and promotion correctly.

Most books and courses on making money online say that the topic of the site you create should match your interests. This is explained by the fact that it will be easier for you to follow the news, you will know how to interest the audience, and you will not lose motivation to engage in the project.
However, even if the topic is close to you in spirit, it does not mean that you can get big money from it. Of course, you can earn a certain amount on any resource, but significant profits are not available everywhere. For example, if you are a hardening fan, then your site is unlikely to be able to gather a large audience.
Commercial topics
Most of the money is received by sites of commercial topics. Even if their traffic is much lower, the cost of advertising will be many times higher. For example, the owner of a site about plastic windows can get about 500 rubles for one click on an advertisement on his site (depending on the request). For comparison, the cost of a click in entertainment topics rarely exceeds 2-3 rubles.
The profitability of a topic is easiest to assess using search engines. Ask a query (for example, building a house in Voronezh) and see how many ads appear on the search results page. If there is a lot of it, then the topic is probably profitable.
Another way to assess profitability is to go to affiliate programs (Yandex. Direct or Google Adwords). Type in the desired keyword and see how much you need to pay for guaranteed impressions. If this amount is more than 50 rubles, then you have found the right topic.
Popular topics
A beginner is unlikely to be able to promote a commercial project, since in addition to money, you need to have knowledge and experience. The best option for them is popular topics that can bring a significant influx of visitors. These can be male and female portals, culinary sites, psychological blogs, and much more.
Of course, you will receive much less per click, but the number of these clicks will be much higher. Practice shows that the profit of such projects is small, but there is no better solution to start. In addition, there are many queries in popular topics, and the competition is negligible.
You can cover the whole topic at once, or focus on narrower areas. For example, write not about food in general, but only about tea. In this case, you will not have to spend a lot of money on content, and the project will quickly take its place in the niche.