How To Connect Vpn To The Internet

How To Connect Vpn To The Internet
How To Connect Vpn To The Internet

VPN is a device that allows you to provide one or more network connections over another network. In other words, provide anonymity for the user, hide the history of visited sites from the provider. The choice of many subscribers often falls on the use of a VPN, however, connection problems may arise.

How to connect vpn to the internet
How to connect vpn to the internet

Connect to VPN via Tor browser

The most popular tool is the free Tor browser. Previously, you had to pay 249 rubles a month for it, but now the developers have made the resource available to everyone.

VPN is automatically configured in it, which makes it even more convenient to use. Unfortunately, it is impossible to configure a specific country, to whose servers Tor will connect, and this often affects the speed of the Internet, but this does not affect anonymity in any way.

You can download the browser from the official website of the developer, it is not recommended to download from third-party sources. Installing the program is also easy. It is enough just to indicate the disk on which the service will be located, and then accept the confidentiality agreement.


After successful installation, to connect to the Internet via VPN, you must click on the "Connect" button.


Next, the Tor browser icon will appear on the desktop. After launching it, the search box for the DuckDuckGo service will appear. It is not necessary to make inquiries exactly through it - you can type "Google", "Yandex" or other search engines and use them.


"Hola!" Browser Extension

In addition to individual services, there are also browser extensions that also perform anonymous connection. One of the free extensions is "Hola!" You can install it either on the official website of the developer or in the Google extension store. There is also a mobile version of the service, but the user will have to pay for it.

On the plus side, there is a huge selection of countries to connect to. But it will not be possible to connect to everyone in free access - only users who have paid for a private tariff can connect to the servers of Central Asia and South America.


Of the minuses, it is worth noting the impossibility of working in the "Incognito" mode. There are also occasional small interruptions in work.


Mobile VPN Browser "Aloha"

Free services for mobile phones also exist. The Aloha browser, available on Android and iOS, allows you to access Amsterdam and Moscow servers without any lag. Setting up a VPN is easy - just click on the shield icon in the upper left corner. When it turns green, the user is in anonymous mode.


The only drawback is the lack of a variety of servers. The user can use the Internet in private access only through two IP addresses. However, this will not be a major drawback, because the VPN works properly and provides anonymity even in such conditions.
