The need to scan an Internet resource can arise in different situations - for example, if you want to check for vulnerabilities on your website. By doing this and eliminating the identified shortcomings, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of hacking your resource.

Step 1
Site scanning is carried out using specialized programs. Some of them are created specifically for a comprehensive check of the security of Internet resources and are distributed quite legally. Others are purely hacking tools designed to break into networked computers.
Step 2
Scanning can be carried out in several directions. The first and most common is to scan a specific ip address for open ports. An open port indicates that some program is running on that port. For example, if the scan detected an open port 4899, then this indicates the presence of the Radmin remote administration program on the computer.
Step 3
An important direction of scanning is to identify site vulnerabilities. Such a scan checks a large set of known vulnerabilities, their specific package depends on the scanner used. The set of vulnerabilities can be edited by removing irrelevant ones and adding "fresh" ones. After checking the site, the scanner displays a list of found vulnerabilities or reports their absence. Given a list of vulnerabilities, a hacker can try to use them to gain control of the site.
Step 4
To check your resource for possible vulnerabilities, use the RSpider program, this is one of the best programs in its class. The program is absolutely legal, its demo version can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. The demo version has significant limitations, so it is better to purchase the full version.
Step 5
Another great program of this class is Nmap (Network Mapper). There are versions for both Windows and Linux. Experienced users prefer to work with the console version, but there is also an option with a gui interface - Zenmap. The program has a very wide range of features - port scanning, determining the versions of services "hanging" on them, determining the operating system, firewalls and other important information.
Step 6
Angry_ip_scanner. Port scanning software. It works quite well and quickly, it is best used to check the selected ip range against the list of ports you are interested in.
Step 7
VNC-scanner. Port scanner, has console and gui versions. It works very quickly, so we can recommend it as one of the best scanners for checking ip-range.
It should be remembered that scanning other people's computers can attract increased attention of the competent authorities to you - especially if computers of law enforcement agencies are included in the range of scanned addresses. Therefore, we strongly recommend using scanners solely for checking the security of your own computers and websites.