Investing in a website with the subsequent receipt of passive income is a topic that interests many. There is an opinion that investing money in websites is sometimes much more profitable and even safer than in banks.

There are two ways to invest money in a website: creating your own website or buying a ready-made project. Each of these sides requires detailed consideration from the inside.
Creation of your own website
Today, creating a website from scratch costs from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, and the amount you will have to spend depends on how and with whose help you are going to “get your site up and running”.
Many agencies, which can be easily found on the Internet, will help you create a website that you never dreamed of. They will embody any of your ideas into reality - but their services will cost you dearly - from 30,000 rubles and more.
The agency will undertake the construction of the site: create a menu, form sections, create a design for it and fill it with the desired content with unique content. And all this can be done on average in a week.
At the same time, the agency gives you a guarantee and promises to fulfill any whim. However, when coordinating the layout of the site with the designer who will work on it, do not be lazy and place the advertising platforms correctly. After all, they are the main income that you plan to receive from your site (if we are not talking about an online store or a site that provides any services, because in this case, income from the site will not be considered passive).
But if you do not have a sufficiently large start-up capital that would cover the services of agencies, then you can use the services of "free" workers, that is, freelancers. By hiring a team of freelancers, you will pay several times less for creating a website, but at the same time you may face fraud or lazy, rude and sloppy employees who are unlikely to give you a guarantee of receiving quality content on time.
In order for an advertiser to want to place his advertisement on your site, he will first have to raise his rating, and this will add about 10,000-15,000 rubles to the invested amount. And sometimes "promotion" of the site requires monthly investments.
Buying a ready-made website
Buying a turnkey website is the fastest way to generate income from it, but more expensive. The minimum price for a site is 40,000-50,000, but at the same time, from the first day of purchase, you can start earning income by leaving the previous advertisement on the site, when for the finished site you still have to look for an advertiser who wants to pay for space on your site.
You can buy a ready-made website on any exchange, which will provide you with a huge selection of projects with various topics: from forums dedicated to various games to news portals. There you can find a site to your liking, but also evaluate the perspective of the chosen project.
In general, investing in websites is good because it allows you to work with several projects at once, which can provide you with good money as much as you want to work on them, and since they do not take much time, this is quite realistic and feasible. And when this type of activity ceases to interest you, you can sell all your sites for a decent amount.