Before choosing a hosting and placing your resource for public use, you need to do an equally important matter - choose the future address of your site or, in other words, a domain name.

Step 1
Start the task with the understanding that the name should be easy to remember and convey the essence of your activity. Choose a name that evokes clear associations related to the topic of your resource. Pay attention to the simplest, self-explanatory names for the resource. Do not use dissonant combinations of symbols, various complex and meaningless constructions in the address. The name, which can be easily reproduced in any form, guarantees an increase in the number of users of your service. Choose such a name so that a person who once hears it can easily enter the name of the resource in the browser without any additional information about your project.
Step 2
Try to make the name of your service consistent with the second-level domain name. Then each new visitor, having read the name of your resource, will remember its address. Determine for your site what kind of audience it will work with: exclusively from Russian or including foreign. In the first case, you shouldn't choose an address in zones,.com This is impractical, you will have an advantage if you choose the most zone for Russia as your domain zone.
Step 3
Also, if your resource is created exclusively for Russian visitors, try not to use foreign words in its name. Remove numbers and hyphens from the name. This will avoid confusion, users will be directed to your pages, and not to the pages of your colleagues, whose resource addresses are similar to yours. Do not forget that the address of your site on the global Internet must be unique.