Regardless of the target orientation of the site, it will represent you or your company on the Internet. Most people use the web to find information that interests them, which is why your website design should follow a few simple guidelines.

Step 1
The primary task of the home page is to grab the attention of the visitor. Within the first minute, he must understand where he is and where he must click to go to the section of interest. Do not overload the first page of the site, a sufficiently bright and clear logo of your company and brief information about what it is dedicated to. Place the menu in a place where it will harmoniously fit into the overall picture. The optimal number of menu lines is four to five.
Step 2
Be sure to use the site's search engine. The search box should be located on the home page and allow you to find information that may be of interest to the visitor. This can be either a built-in search from systems such as yandex and google, or a special search with settings that allow you to search in specific sections. If your site is small, the first option will be optimal, but if it has many sections with different topics and information, it is advisable to use the second option.
Step 3
It is desirable that the site menu is fixed on each page and does not change its location - so it will be easier for the visitor to navigate. If your site has many subsections, make a "drop-down" menu that appears when you click on any section.
Step 4
Do not overload the site with pictures and animations. Although most people who use the Internet to search for information have high-speed access to the network, do not forget about those who have a slow connection. People using gprs internet or mobile internet, in most cases, disable the download of flash animations to save traffic. Therefore, if you use flash, put a picture or text that will be shown in case of a ban on downloading the main content.
Step 5
Use colors and fonts that are easy to read and not strain your eyes. You should not push on such flashy combinations as red and black, as with them you will rather scare away the visitor than make him permanent.
Step 6
Use greetings for guests and registered users. This will make the site more "alive" by personalizing the delivery of content to the visitor. This detail does not burden the resource, at the same time being a bonus in the eyes of users.