Every computer connected to the Internet has its own unique identifier - an IP address (Internet Protocol Address). Sometimes it is necessary to know the IP in order to uniquely identify oneself, or vice versa - to hide this identification sign. Let's take a look at how easy it is to find your IP address.

Step 1
This address has the form XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX - four three-digit numbers, separated by a dot. If your computer is part of a local network, then most likely it connects to the Internet through a server common for several computers to which a modem or router is connected. The server in such networks has two IP addresses: internal (192.168. XXX. XXX - the first pair of numbers always have these values) and external (XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX). The internal IP address of such a server is a gateway for network computers to access the Internet, and the external IP address is assigned to the server by the provider. It is this external address that will be the IP that sites and any other resources that you visit see. If you are connected via a local network, then without access to a local server, or a modem or router, you will not be able to see your IP without using the help of any Internet resource. But the site, which will immediately lay out everything about your browser, its Internet connection and location, will not have to search for a long time. A lot of Internet resources are ready to provide you with this simple service for web servers. Several of them:
It should be remembered that most Internet users have dynamic IP addresses. That is, each of its clients entering the network is assigned by the provider any IP address that is currently free. This means that with each new access to the network, your address may change. Unless, of course, you paid for the service of providing a static IP address with your Internet provider.
Step 2
If your computer is itself a server and is not included in any local network, then you can see your IP address without resorting to the help of any sites. You can get the most complete report on all the details of the Internet connection through the ipconfig utility. To start it, you need to press WIN + R, type cmd, press Enter and in the terminal window that opens, type ipconfig / all.