Color number is a characteristic used to apply color to the design of text, background, or other elements of a blog post, website, or other resource. Although a name can be used for most color use cases, each user should have a table with a numerical number or color code.

Step 1
The main colors used in the design of the blog are listed on the site under the link under the article. The color code and its name in English are placed in the columns in the form of a table. Please note that the page is displayed incorrectly in the “Google Chrome” browser.
Step 2
The second link contains a more complete table. It also contains the name of the color in English, in Russian and the color code.
Step 3
An even more complete table of colors, names in Russian and HTML codes is offered by one of the services of the Yandex system. To use, follow the third link. At the top of the page, adjust the amount of red, blue, green, and other colors by scrolling through the appropriate fields.