How To Find Out The Track Number On Aliexpress

How To Find Out The Track Number On Aliexpress
How To Find Out The Track Number On Aliexpress

Track order number - a code of Latin letters and numbers, by which you can track where the package is from Aliexpress at the moment and when it reaches its destination.

How to find out the track number on Aliexpress
How to find out the track number on Aliexpress

Many Russians love to shop on Aliexpress. The goods are cheap, the choice is large, the sellers are willing to make contact. Only long delivery stops. It is unpleasant to wait for an already paid handbag and be nervous that it will be lost on the long journey from China to Russia. To reassure buyers, a track number is provided by which you can determine the location of the package.

Track number of the parcel

You can check the track number at any time of the day or night, and find out the cherished numbers in several ways.

The most convenient way to find out information is in the order list. Select the product you want to track. Click on the "Details" item, after which you will find yourself on a page with useful information on the order. The article, name, quantity, price and more are indicated here. On the right you will see two buttons: "Check tracking" and "Confirm receipt of goods". We need the first. Hover over this item and you will see a pop-up block with a tracking number at the top. This code is tracking.

You can also view the track number directly from the order list. Go to this section and look in the right column. Click on the button and copy the numbers from the item "Tracking number".

Details and details can be found by following this link. Here you can trace the entire route of the goods: whether it crossed the border with China, whether it went through Chinese customs, how it moves through Russia, whether it reached its destination in Russia.

The tracking number itself is at the bottom of the page, next to information about the delivery service, delivery address.

Track number and order number

Sometimes buyers confuse the track number and the order number. These are different data, the second cannot be traced back to the purchase. The order number is an internal serial number that Aliexpress assigns to your purchase. If you try to hammer it into a mail site, it won't work. The system will generate an error.

It is most convenient to track the location of a purchase directly on the Aliexpress website. However, not all sellers provide such detailed information that can be viewed in the order list. If the data in the item "Check Tracking" does not indicate the order path, use special services. You can find such sites simply by typing "track Aliexpress order" into the search bar of your browser.

Waiting for a parcel from a Chinese site will take at least three weeks, and in most cases, more than a month. Specific terms depend on the chosen delivery method and operator. But if you have access to information about the location of the parcel, you don't have to worry and imagine the delivery time with an accuracy of several days.
