How To Open A Social Network

How To Open A Social Network
How To Open A Social Network

Table of contents:


A social network, if properly created and promoted, will become an excellent place for self-realization and an excellent platform for advertising all kinds of goods and services. Information on the web spreads very quickly, advertising space is not cheap, and as far as the audience is concerned, it is simply huge. However, first the network must be created and then opened, and then it is already possible to unwind it.

How to open a social network
How to open a social network


Step 1

First, determine how your social network will differ from the many already created analogues. Few people will be attracted by the network-twin of Odnoklassniki or Facebook. In addition, it must be borne in mind that not every person can just take and upload data about themselves to the network. Think about which population group your resource will be targeting. This, for example, is the easiest way to establish contact with teenagers and students. They spend more time on the Internet and willingly share information. Young people also make purchases on the Internet more often than others.

Step 2

Solve the issue with the choice of hosting. This is one of the most important moments in the process of opening your own social network, and indeed any other site. Choose a hosting based on the operating system you are using, as well as the intended functions that your project will perform. You may need to purchase one or more servers that will be combined into a cluster.

Step 3

Then purchase a domain. The second level will do. To do this, you need some investment, as well as an understanding of the essence of the matter. A domain is a unique name of a site, this is its place on the Internet. Come up with some euphonious name. And at the same time, it is desirable that it be short. The social network that was previously known as "VKontakte" can be cited as an example. Although users now habitually call it a “contact”. This is - as you can see, the name of the network and its domain is easy to remember.

Step 4

By the way, the domain does not have to include English letters. You can purchase a domain name in Russian, but it will look something like this: name_sayta.rf.

Step 5

Now for the software. You need professional staff like programmers and designers. They will bring your design and organization plans to life. The shell of your site needs to be made user-friendly, its interface intuitive. The building blocks are a personal page, photos, audio and video recordings, chat, communities, notes. And, of course, do not forget about entertainment, such as flash games, which the users of your social network can create themselves. To begin with, you will need several ready-made games that can be purchased from the creators on a partnership basis.

Step 6

Now it's the turn of advertising and actually ensuring your stable income as the owner of a social network. Place banners and contextual advertising on various popular sites, by mutual agreement. To expand your audience, seek the help of professionals in this matter. And when the audience of your social network grows to decent heights, slowly start placing ads for other sites on the pages of your social network. Only it should not be intrusive, so as not to start a churn of users from your resource.
