How To Change The Topic "VKontakte"

How To Change The Topic "VKontakte"
How To Change The Topic "VKontakte"

The pages of all VKontakte users have, by default, the same standard look and differ only in content. For those who want to have a special design, special programs and browsers will come to the rescue.

How to change the VKontakte theme
How to change the VKontakte theme

The popularity of social networks is growing exponentially. New users are added daily, each with their own desires and needs. After all, all people are different. And if there is demand, then there is supply. Therefore, today many different services provide services to users of "social networks". With their help, you can change page themes, create avatars, download videos, music and implement many other features. These services are represented by special browsers, add-ons and programs, most of which can be found on the Internet for free.

VK Themes

The page theme should be understood as the graphical interface through which the user interacts with the site. Changing the theme will change the way the page is displayed in the browser, but the software will remain the same.

The social network VKontakte offers its users two available themes in addition to the standard one. They are called "Pre-revolutionary" and "All-Union". To install them, you do not need to download any programs or add-ons. The disadvantage of these themes is that they do not change the design of the page, only the names of the menu items.

In order to apply one of the themes, you need to click the item "My Settings" in the menu. Here find the section "General" and select "Language" in it. At the end of the list, click on the name of the desired design. To return the page to the standard view of VKontakte, change the language setting again to "Russian".

Browser add-on

Much more opportunities to satisfy the desire to stand out are provided by a special browser add-on - the Get Styles program. It works with all the most popular browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer. It is provided free of charge. After downloading and installing, a line will appear under the address bar of the browser from which you can directly manage your VKontakte page. This line opens the tabs: "VKontakte", "topics", "avatars", "my messages", "my friends", "my groups", "my audio recordings", "my videos", "my notes".

You need to download the Get Styles program from the official website. It is 402 KB in size and does not take up much disk space on your computer.

Social media browser

In addition to themes from the creators of VKontakte and special add-ons, the Orbitium browser for social networks allows you to change the page design. You need to download it on the developers website. When it is installed, to change the theme, you need to log into your account, find the "Change theme" button and select one of the proposed options.

When applying the last two methods of changing the theme of the VKontakte page, you should remember that users without the same browser or add-on will not be able to see your new design. They will display a standard theme in their browser. And vice versa: by viewing the pages of other users using the Orbitium browser, you can see the themes they have installed. In case the theme is standard, the browser will display the page content using your theme.
