The creation of traps in Minecraft may be needed to protect the settlement from the appearance of hostile creatures. For example, traps are good help if you need to keep zombies out of the territory - they can bring considerable harm to civilians.

If the player decides to fight zombies while in a cave or in an open space, it can be dangerous. In a fight, you can lose your weapon, and in especially dangerous situations, the player dies and loses the accumulated experience. Zombie traps are safer.
Types of traps
The type of object being created depends on what task the player pursues. Traps in Minecraft can be prepared of different types. Their capabilities differ as follows:
· The work of the trap allows you to kill mobs manually. This method is considered one of the most dangerous, but when choosing it, the player retains all areas of his experience.
· Traps of semi-automatic type - when using them, the zombie is damaged in automatic mode, but at the same time he manages to save a small fraction of his health. This creates an opportunity for the player to complete the started massacre manually.
· Automatic traps. Here the zombie spawns, after which it automatically moves to the room, where it is killed. The player only has to collect the loot.
How to prepare a retractable block trap
It takes very little to create one of the simplest traps. In the inventory, the player only needs to have a piston, a pressure plate and several buckets of lava (in extreme cases, one is enough). Even with minimal resources, such a structure can be made without difficulty, but the simplest design also has a significant drawback. After each use of such a trap, it will need to be restored.
To create a trap for zombies, you must first dig a hole for it. Its depth depends on how many buckets of lava the player can use. For example, there are three buckets of lava. It is necessary to dig a hole three blocks deep, then pour lava into it. A piston is installed on one side of the pit. On the other hand, we leave room for the block. The lava pit must be closed, a pressure plate is installed on it.
Such a trap works as follows. When you press on the plate, for which you need to stand on it, the piston starts to work. The piston will push the block that prevents falling into the lava pit, and the victim will fall down.
Dynamite Trap
To create a dynamite trap, you need a pressure plate, dynamite and a free-flowing block. We need to dig a hole and put dynamite in it. The tab is closed with a free-flowing block, in conclusion, a plate is placed. The structure works as follows: when the victim approaches, the dynamite explodes, and the character who received the damage flies down.
This type of trap has a drawback that can be easily eliminated. The explosion can damage nearby blocks. To prevent this, the pit is finished using obsidian.