What Is Hosting

What Is Hosting
What Is Hosting

It would seem that the most obvious way to get your own website - to set up a server at home - is fraught with a number of difficulties. It is much more convenient to use the services of the so-called hosting.

What is hosting
What is hosting

Hosting is a service for placing a site on the Internet. The legal entity providing this service is called the hosting provider. Using this service relieves the site owner of the burden of constantly keeping the server turned on and maintaining it. It's like public transport: we all see it only in good working order and constantly functioning, and we rarely think that for this it is periodically undergoing scheduled repairs somewhere. In addition, the hosting user does not have to rent a static IP address, which is sometimes extremely expensive. Hosting services are divided into free and paid ones. The former are ideal for those webmasters who do not want to modify content management systems (CMS) in any way and are content with what they give. Each free hosting provides its user with a fixed CMS, in the code of which it is impossible to interfere. In addition, some of them allow you to compose pages in plain HTML, and sometimes use Wiki markup. A free hosting user cannot host scripts running on the server side. If such a script is still placed, it simply will not be executed. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Paid hosting gives a webmaster much more freedom. No CMS is imposed on him, but a server is provided that runs, at the user's choice, under the operating system Linux, BSD or Windows. The webmaster places all the necessary set of scripts on the server himself, as well as the data that is posted on the site. A paid hosting user can even remotely manage a server, for example, using Telnet protocol. Why is using even a paid hosting cheaper than renting a static IP address? It is clear that it would be unprofitable to allocate a separate physical server for the content of each of the sites. All server operating systems are not only multitasking, but also multiuser. Thanks to this, about a hundred sites can be hosted on one physical server. This saves both space and energy.
