Today web hosting, i.e. providing space for hosting websites on servers on the network is one of the most effective ways to make money on the Internet. Many users who want to start a virtual business would like to create their own hosting and thus make a profit.

What do you need to know to create your hosting?
First, you need to understand the essence of this service. Hosting combines quality hardware and software on the one hand and the provision of maintenance services on the other. Many experts point out that it is the service that is the most important component of hosting, since it is not a problem to find companies with high-quality hardware and software.
Secondly, you need to understand that hosting, like any business, requires initially significant financial costs, which will not pay off immediately. Therefore, before creating your own hosting, you need to make an approximate cost estimate and allocate the required amount from your own budget (or receive from another source).
Third, you need to understand hardware and software and / or find people who will work as technical support for customers. It should be understood that calls, messages and letters will come constantly and they will need to be answered promptly and as promptly as possible to resolve emerging problems. The number of employees involved will be closely related to the size of the hosting.
Ways to create your hosting
There are three main ways to create your hosting.
- The first one is to become a reseller, this method is the cheapest one. A reseller is a person who has purchased a part of a server from a well-known hosting company and sells space on the server, as well as is responsible for technical support. However, since the server does not belong to the reseller, technical support will be hampered by a number of obstacles (for example, the inability to effectively monitor the server, restart it, etc.)
- The second way is to rent an entire server from a hosting company. It will be much more expensive, but this method has a number of advantages that resellers do not have. In particular, the ability to put your software on the server, the ability to control it, and as a result of more efficient technical support.
- The third way is to buy a server on your own and place it in the Data Center on a space lease basis. The advantage of this method is a cheaper rent. The disadvantage is the need to buy a server, which is quite expensive.
Hosting creation stages
- Project budgeting and fundraising.
- Development of tariff plans for site owners.
- Determination of the method of creating hosting (reseller, server rental, space in the Data Center).
- Developing a marketing strategy to promote your services on the Internet and find customers.
- Hosting creation and registration.
- Recruiting staff