How To Lower Ping In Games

How To Lower Ping In Games
How To Lower Ping In Games

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Ping is the delay time for a signal when it reaches the server and back. The lower the ping, the faster the player's movements and actions are transmitted to the server. Accordingly, in order to enjoy games that require reaction speed, it is necessary to lower the ping as much as possible. There are several ways to do this. Each of them can have a significant impact on ping, but it is desirable to use all of them at the same time.

How to lower ping in games
How to lower ping in games


Step 1

Disable all active downloads, turn off torrent and internet browser. If you clog the channel with incoming and outgoing traffic, you may experience a very high ping, while if you turn off any use of the Internet access channel, then your ping will take the lowest possible value.

Step 2

Disable programs running in the background or running concurrently with the game. A lot of processes that are carried out simultaneously can significantly slow down the system, which can increase the ping in the game. If you do not have enough resources, then disconnect the explorer through the task manager during the game, and after completion, start it again. Disable both those processes that you started and those that are currently running in the background, but you do not need.

Step 3

If the above methods do not help, lower the system requirements of the game. If you set too high system requirements in the configuration, then you can observe high ping due to the fact that the computer cannot cope with the load assigned to it. Set minimum requirements and increase them little by little, while monitoring ping changes. Often the main reason a computer fails is a weak graphics card, so pay special attention to your video configuration settings.
