How To Subscribe To VKontakte

How To Subscribe To VKontakte
How To Subscribe To VKontakte

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Interesting pages on the social network VKontakte attract attention from users who have the opportunity to subscribe. You can create a public page or get subscribers to your personal profile.

How to subscribe to VKontakte
How to subscribe to VKontakte


Step 1

Go to the "My Groups" tab from your profile. Click on the "Create Community" button at the top. Specify the name and type of the community. This can be a group used for various discussions, a public page is ideal for creating subscriptions and distributing news, or an event to which you can invite other people.

Step 2

Specify the page type in the next step if you chose to create a public page. This can be a public dedicated to the work of a particular company, the activities of a famous person, advertising a product or service. Accept the formal agreement and click Next. Set basic page settings. Make its name and address easier to remember, write a detailed description, indicate the sections that will be active. After saving the data, you will find yourself on the created public page, where you can start posting the necessary materials.

Step 3

Advertise the page you created by telling your friends and all interested parties about it through your profile. Gradually, users will begin to subscribe to it, participate in the content and further popularization.

Step 4

Make your own profile page interesting for other users so that they start following you. You can, for example, run a page of a celebrity with her consent. As soon as the number of your subscribers passes the 1000 mark, your profile page will be displayed in the general list of communities and subscriptions, as well as in the public list of personal subscriptions of each user.

Step 5

You can subscribe yourself to any pages that interest you by clicking the corresponding button. The list of personal subscriptions will be displayed on the left side of the page, and the list of groups will be displayed in the general information about the user.
