How To Determine Encoding

How To Determine Encoding
How To Determine Encoding

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Sometimes a required file or web page does not open, and when it is displayed, only incomprehensible characters are visible. There are times when a text editor or browser cannot figure out the required encoding. In this case, you have to select it yourself using additional utilities.

How to determine encoding
How to determine encoding


A text editor that works with a large number of encodings, or a decoder program


Step 1

If a file does not open correctly in one editor, this does not mean that it has the wrong encoding. It is worth trying to open the same file in another program. One of the utilities that in most cases accurately determine the required character set is the free Notepad ++ editor.

Step 2

If you still cannot open the file, then you can use online services to determine the encoding, of which there are a great many on the Internet.

Step 3

There are also programs that are capable of decrypting Russian texts in different encodings. Undoubtedly, the Stirlitz application for Windows is the leader. It knows almost all code sheets and knows many transliteration techniques. Moreover, this program is capable of performing operations of transforming text from the original format to any other.

Step 4

On Linux, you can use some console conversion commands or ready-made programs to open any file containing an unfamiliar encoding. Under QT, there is a QTexTransformer application that will help determine the name of the encoding and make the appropriate transformations. Under Linux there are many linguistic modules written in Perl. For example, Lingua DetectCharset or DetectCyrillic (to detect Cyrillic characters). The mousepad program displays Windows files well. To convert, you can also use the console command "econv path_to_file", which will independently determine the current encoding and convert it to the current locale.
