How To Clear Everything In A Line

How To Clear Everything In A Line
How To Clear Everything In A Line

Table of contents:


Each time you enter any link in the address bar of Internet Explorer, the results of the saved pages appear. In some cases, their display needs to be hidden, for this it is enough to launch the registry editor and perform a simple operation.

How to clear everything in a line
How to clear everything in a line


  • Software:
  • - Internet Explorer;
  • - Regedit.


Step 1

The easiest and most radical way to clear the contents of the address bar is to delete the contents of the folder that is responsible for storing the browser history. Typically, this directory is called Temporary Internet Files. But after deleting all files, in addition to the history, cached images also disappear, which make it possible to load previously opened pages much faster.

Step 2

A more complex way is to edit the registry files, which not every user of Windows operating systems does. Registry Editor is a program whose main function is to display the contents of registry files and edit them. The abbreviated name of the registry editor, if this phrase is translated into English, will sound like this - RegEdit.

Step 3

Registry Editor is a standard program, but the shortcut for this utility cannot be seen in the Accessories section of the Start menu. Open the Start menu and select Run, or press the Win + R key combination. In the Run applet that opens, left-click an empty text box and type regedit, then click OK.

Step 4

In the registry editor window, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch and follow this path, opening one by one the directories listed here: Software, Microsoft, Internet Explorer, TypedURLs. Inside this folder there are parameters that need to be deleted if they look like this: url1, url2, url3, etc.

Step 5

Also, this operation can be repeated if you look at the settings of the "Start" button. To do this, right-click on the "Start" menu, select "Properties". In the window that opens, click the "Configure" button and go to the "Advanced" tab. Go to the "Recent Documents" section and click the "Clear List" button.
