On Which Site You Can Watch Movies In English

On Which Site You Can Watch Movies In English
On Which Site You Can Watch Movies In English

Watching movies in English is both useful and interesting entertainment. It helps not only to improve a foreign language, better understand English, but also allows you to enjoy the original film without translation errors. For true connoisseurs of cinema, this is a great pleasure.

Movies in English
Movies in English

Films in English have become popular entertainment for a long time. Film lovers and English culture lovers are proud of watching films in the original, pupils and students are fond of, all English language learners are engaged, serial lovers also practice while waiting for the next series to be translated.

Cheese in a mousetrap

But here's the trouble: watching movies in English is not possible on every site. Almost all English and American sites that offer quality movie viewing are not free at all. When registering, you will be asked for a credit card number for transferring funds for each month of using the resource. Many of them offer free viewing for a month, but changing sites every month in search of free movies is not very convenient.

Sites with films in English

Therefore, we turn to the Russian Internet, which still has quite accessible sources of films in the original. The first place among all resources is, of course, the Vkontakte website. All novelties of cinema are gradually removed from it, but it will not be difficult to find here many films of the past years in the original language. Type in the title of a movie in English or search for a group where you can find English movies.

Many different films and TV series can be found on this resource: https://www.langled.com/vkenglish.php. Among the advantages, we can name a simple search for films, their variety, an alphabetical index, the ability to watch films with or without subtitles, as well as watching TV series. Nice, affordable resource.

The site, which is called "Films in English with subtitles": https://watchenglishfilms.blogspot.ru. Suitable for those who are studying English, but do not know it perfectly. Each such film indicates which subtitles are waiting for you - English or Russian. There are not so many films, most of them are ten years old, but the site is very convenient for the development of the language.

Films and serials from different years in the original language can also be found here: https://www.englishonlinefree.ru/filmseng.html. Like the previous resource, this site contains films with subtitles. It is also good as a training site on all issues of the English language, as it contains a large number of entertaining materials on grammar, vocabulary, etc.

Another good resource with films from different years: https://goldenglish.ru/movies/filmy_na_anglijskom_yazyke/. You can see the description of the films in Russian, clarify the genre and the availability of subtitles.
